Thursday, 14 May 2009

Photos from Live Workshop Day 2


Photos from Live Workshop Day 2 are at|4s/Live%20Project%20Workshop%20Day%202.pdf

Friday, 8 May 2009

Wednesday/Thursday Workshop


I have put together a very brief presentation to aid the kids on wed/thursday - so that we can be sure that we get something useful out of it. These are mine and Nick's suggestions/ideas and if anyone else would like to contribute that would be great.

I think that we should take along / request:

4/5 site plans (1:500) to draw on
2 laser cut site plan boards (ply) to model on
some sand and pva glue to make landscapes
some balsa wood and card for bridges walls etc.
some wire for trees and sculpture
collected 'found' objects to model with


Tape measures
hot glue guns
colouring crayons

could all be useful - could someone contact the school and see what is avalible? I think Joe (tutor not student) was going to look into this? If not let me know and I will ring them

Please find a link to the presentation below:

Friday, 1 May 2009

Hello All,

I hope the week is going well and you are enjoying the sunshine!. Next week we are kicking off at 11.15 a.m with the first review. We will have 3 review slots in the morning and 4 review slots in the afternoon. There will be 3 review panels (2 tutors and 3 children from the school). Each slot is 30 mins which will accommodate a 10 mins presentation and 20 mins discussion.

Please could EVERYONE be there at 11.00am in the lower gallery space. I will have the sign up sheet up on the wall at this point and you should sign up for a review.

For the review you should have your proposals as advanced as they can be at this stage presented in a cohesive and 'inspiring' set of drawings. We will be giving you feedback on your design during the review and at the end of the day with feedback sheets, however the presentation should be orientated to your WHOLE audience (ie the children). They are the Client and therefore should be engaged throughout 100%.

If you have any questions please drop me a line on my personal email over the weekend:

See you all on Wed, Good Luck!


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Area Schedule

Here's the schedule of areas I got off Mark earlier if anyone needs them...


Monday, 6 April 2009

Studio Space

We have our own space!

Room B1 in Z block is now our room to work in - officially. If anyone would like a key cut give me a buzz and we can arrange it between us. The room is speciffically for us - so use it - and use it well!



Thursday, 19 March 2009

Vision Doc

Hi All,

Further to the meeting on Wed about the vision document we have set a deadline of 25th March for forming the new team. Can anybody who is interested in joining please post on the blog or email me.

Just to recap for those who were not here, the school project deadline is now 6th May. From that point onwards there are 3 options, the vision, the live project or a continuation of the school design. These will all be accessed and marked separately so there is now an incentive to get involved.


Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Existing Plans and Elevations

Hi all
The most up to date cad plans and elevations are now on the shared skydrive chris set up. The direct link to the file is:

Friday, 13 March 2009

Vision Document


The Vision document has been started as you all know but it still has a fair way to go. After a quick meet with Mark today i have renewed enthusiasm that it will be a good document! The editors so far have got the doc off the ground but now may be a good time for a shake up, if anybody wants to be more involved please come forward or if anybody does not want to be involved let me know.

One thing we have realized is that there is more to coordinating the document than anticipated, Jane and i have volunteered to co-ordinate the document as we have already designed the templates and started putting it together. It will be easier to ask you all for specific information, as and when we need it, then we are not doubling up or missing out on work. Is everybody OK with this?

We still need your input, if you have done anything that would be good in the document, sketches, site analysis drawings, photos etc, please post them and we will include them. Also please post any thoughts and comments for us on the blog.

We will have a chat about all this on wed.

Thanks guys,

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Live project proposals


Many thanks to those who emailed through ideas


Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Original Chilwell Plans Scanned

Evening all,

I managed to get the original plans of Chilwell School scanned today. Please see link:

Let me know if you can't get to them.



Live project

Could all of the people writing proposals for potential live project please email their idea and a breif summary (1-2 paragraphs) of their project by 6-7 pm Thursday night and I will print it and return to Mark. It would be good to have a minimum of 3!


Monday, 9 March 2009

Original Plans


Here's a new link to the photos, hopefully this one will work...


Original Chilwell plans

Here are the photos of the original plans from the caretaker we took at the school. I think we was hoping to get actual scans of them, as they’re not amazing quality. Sorry was taking ages to put on here, so uploaded them to Photobox, here’s the link.

CAD drawing of music and college

Hi all, here's the CAD file of music and college by Group A survey, you may download it for subsequent design.

Chilwell Architect

This is a bit of a random entry, but . .
I heard that the ZCars unit were given a talk last thursday by an architect who had worked on Chilwell School. Im not sure whether it would be possible to get into contact with them, or whether it would be of any worth?

Chilwell Plans

Dear all,

I have spoken to Jimmy Morris at Chilwell School and he informed me that we have copied all of the available plans of the school a while back.

If anyone has any plans that have not yet been circulated on the blog could you please post them.



Sunday, 8 March 2009

Transport Information

Hi All

Posted here are links to the relevant transport information for Chilwell School and the wider area respectively. This information covers the main areas of research needed for our projects but if anyone wants any specifics please let me know.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Link to Lincoln Uni (group E) presentation, not sure if everyone has it.

Does anyone know if the questionnaire (I assume the community groups questionnaire) has gone to the governing body - as per lizzies post below as it was mentioned that it was required for the 2nd March


Sunday, 1 March 2009

Photos anyone?

Hi all,

I know you are all really busy but I would still like photos of your consultations if possible. I am giving a presentation in Manchester tomorrow so need some images by the end of the day.



building survey (group B)

building survey (group B)

Survey Information

Hey everyone.

In order to complete the survey and conditions sections of the vision document, we still need to get all the photographs and information.
I havent got any from Group B
and need some more from groups C and E.

Particularly missing are photographs showing the current conditions of the building fabric.
we really need to get these as soon as possible for inclusion in the booklet.

Friday, 27 February 2009



It would be really helpful if any of the groups who have had their consultation meetings could post their findings on the blog so we can include them in that section of the vision doc.



Thursday, 26 February 2009

Blog Poster


So this is the blog poster. I was just about to get Lyn to print it off, but then saw this post and thought I would just get it okayed before I do.
What does everyone think?
And also is anyone heading down on friday or monday, if so could they put these up around the school?

School Poster

Any sign of the school poster advertising the blog yet? - if so, please can you upload it on here?


Additional Survey Info

Hi All

Just to confirm that the additional survey info we asked you to collect last week should be incorporated into the shared 'existing condition' document being prepared by the editorial team.

These were:

A - Climate
B - Servicing
C - Transport
D - Classroom Study
E - Landscape


Carbon Detectives Kit

Further to Joe's earlier post, please familiarise yourselves with the schools carbon detectives kit found here (log on to the 'demonstration school' section and then pick one of the 'dummy' schools).

As discussed last week, we intend to:
  • Work with the school (and/or county council) to source the info needed for the toolkit.
  • Organise a session to input the data with the school children.
  • Establish the current carbon footprint of the school.
  • Set carbon reduction targets with the school.
  • Take action (through the individual design projects) to meet these targets.
Until we get some dates in the diary for the above it would be worth musing on the attached charts showing 'typical' school CO2 usage.


This is a copy of the email from Chilwell school. So TODAY can the student group and the headmaster group please go to the school to their meetings. Perhaps the head of departments group could go along with the headmaster group as well as some of your questions may be relevant.

The student group will be able to meet a group of pupils on Thursday 26th February at 11:30. I can also meet the headteacher group at this time. I will issue the questionnaire to the governing body prior to the Full Governors meeting on Monday 2nd March.
I will contact the Family of Schools to facilitate meetings. However, I am meeting with all the Family Heads on 11th March - would it still be convenient to distribute questionniares at this meeting.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Environmental Tutorial Contact Details


My contact details are as follows:, please feel free to email me specific questions or post them on the blog if they are more general.

The carbon tool kit I think is worth a read can be found at:

I would also urge you to visit which is at Earls Court next week.

Good luck


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Consultation photos

Hi All,

Following my earlier request, do any of you have any photos of you at the school - engaged in discussion with staff-students etc or showing you in the process of studying the school?

I'd like some images to use in a presentation - about the role of 'live' projects in education.

Your help would be much appreciated.


Hi all,
The extra topics we were given last Wednesday, are we just posting our findings on here? ie classroom study / transport etc..



Monday, 23 February 2009

Wednesday Field Trip

Ok all,

This Wednesday 25th Feb its the day trip to London. We have got a very busy day programmed and a very early start!

So please be at the School of the Built Environment for 6.20am the coach will be leaving at 6.30am. Please be responsible for your own groups.

Please bring snacks because we wont have a chance to get lunch until 3.00pm. Also remember your cameras!

Myself, Paul and Mark will meet you this end in London, Ealing. If you cant make the trip please let me know. I will be in department teaching tomorrow in the EEC.

See you on Wednesday


Thematic Problems

Group A is collecting thematic problems. The basic idea is to collect all the issues of the current school and then pick up 5 as agreed in the editor meeting.

Could everybody have a look at the list below and give some comments about what other issues exsit and what are the most key ones of the school, please.

Building performance

The one-way system runs inconveniently.
The library blocks one possible access to dining room from the first floor.
The circulation in Lakeview college is not clear.

Functionality & Space:
Corridors are too narrow.
There is not sufficient social space in the building.
There is not adequate storage space.
The number of toilets is not big enough.
The library is not large enough and not used effectively.
The dining room can not accommodate enough large amounts of students
No flexible teaching and learning spaces.
No attractive entrance.
The college lacks a proper transition with other buildings.

Poor building quality

External appearance:
Gloomy facade materials
The arrangement of windows is a bit disordered when seen from the elevation.

Environmental design

Natural light is not sufficient and balanced because of the single-side opening windows.
No shading structure or element on both side-windows and roof-windows.
Not enough consideration of sustainability in design

Landscape planning

The courtyard is not used efficiently.
The beautiful view of the south lake is not combined well with the existing materials.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Fancy Fonts for the Vision Document


I had a quick look through my font library and picked out a few designey ones which could work well in the vision document, particular for use with titles and quotes. Follow the link below for the zip file containing these 8 fonts and just copy them into your font libraries. Hopefully they should work! Feel free to use them in your own work 

Vision Doc

Hi Editors

Sorry, seem to have lost all your email addresses.

Shall we have a little progress meeting on the coach on wed morning? I've done an initial layout for the front, back and inside cover as a starting point to talk about, anyone had any genius graphic design ideas? We also need to arrange getting quotes for the printing.

See you Wednesday, Rachel.

Saturday, 21 February 2009


Here is the orientation analyse from Group A. Not sure if this contains enough information. If not, please figure out then we can complete it.

Group A condition suvery

Sorry for the delay of presentation, we visited the music block and lakeview college on Thursday, here are photos and some measurements. Since Chilwell are in holiday, we can't evaculate the acoustic condition of the music one, probably well controlled for its isolation from main teaching blocks. The circulation in college is a bit confused for us strangers. Besides, its ventilation is very noisy especially in art study room and biology room. The space of college is 3m height, slightly lower than other teaching buildings. And the bay windows of upper floor seem designed without practical intentions. On the northwest corner of the block, it is the maintenance workshop for school. The overall impression of these two buildings is tense space for teaching and communication.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Nottingham Academy

Consultation document for an academy on th east of nottingham


Hi all,

Group B are collating the info on the consultation process for the vision document. Although we haven't had a chance to brief yet it would be helpful if the other groups could let us know what sort of questions you intend to ask etc so that we can start to compose a section on the briefing process.
Also here are some images from The Community Planning Handbook which might be helpful.


Group B