Thursday, 14 May 2009

Photos from Live Workshop Day 2


Photos from Live Workshop Day 2 are at|4s/Live%20Project%20Workshop%20Day%202.pdf

Friday, 8 May 2009

Wednesday/Thursday Workshop


I have put together a very brief presentation to aid the kids on wed/thursday - so that we can be sure that we get something useful out of it. These are mine and Nick's suggestions/ideas and if anyone else would like to contribute that would be great.

I think that we should take along / request:

4/5 site plans (1:500) to draw on
2 laser cut site plan boards (ply) to model on
some sand and pva glue to make landscapes
some balsa wood and card for bridges walls etc.
some wire for trees and sculpture
collected 'found' objects to model with


Tape measures
hot glue guns
colouring crayons

could all be useful - could someone contact the school and see what is avalible? I think Joe (tutor not student) was going to look into this? If not let me know and I will ring them

Please find a link to the presentation below:

Friday, 1 May 2009

Hello All,

I hope the week is going well and you are enjoying the sunshine!. Next week we are kicking off at 11.15 a.m with the first review. We will have 3 review slots in the morning and 4 review slots in the afternoon. There will be 3 review panels (2 tutors and 3 children from the school). Each slot is 30 mins which will accommodate a 10 mins presentation and 20 mins discussion.

Please could EVERYONE be there at 11.00am in the lower gallery space. I will have the sign up sheet up on the wall at this point and you should sign up for a review.

For the review you should have your proposals as advanced as they can be at this stage presented in a cohesive and 'inspiring' set of drawings. We will be giving you feedback on your design during the review and at the end of the day with feedback sheets, however the presentation should be orientated to your WHOLE audience (ie the children). They are the Client and therefore should be engaged throughout 100%.

If you have any questions please drop me a line on my personal email over the weekend:

See you all on Wed, Good Luck!
